Saturday, July 24, 2010


I'm Stopping the blogging for one entire week! Tomorrow around 9 A.M my family and I will be traveling to California! Yes! Finally. I've been looking forward to this trip ALL summer and now it's here! I have my bags all packed and I'm ready to head out the door!
Goodbye hot won't be missed. I'll be sure to take millions of pictures and remember (or try to remember) everything that happens there!

Recap on what i did today.

Woke up to sign papers for my mommy.
watched television for a little
Took it into my own hands to get the house clean and try to take a little pressure off my parents
*I cleaned The Kitchen..
(this includes organizing the sides of the island, unloading/ reloading the dishwasher, cleaning the computer desk so nothing is on it..except the computer of course, Swept and mopped the floors BY MYSELF!
*Then i moved onto the Family room picked up and put away toys and vacuumed so there were pretty lines in the carpet ( i seriously go insane if i can't see the lines) Haleigh Fluffed the pillows
*I went to the living room and dusted the dining room table and then vacuumed to see the lines...again
*Got everything out from under my bed

My goal for when i get married is that i will keep my house clean ALWAYS
Over all i think today was very productive.. i got a ton of things done

Good-bye Arizona, Hello California

Oh oh! and when i get back i have cheer camp the next day..lovely! I'm preparing myself for practices starting from 8 in the morning to 5 at night.
Don't worry i totally stocked up on my Advil!

This is how happy i am right now..2 thumbs up and everything!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I've already started my packing list for this place.Literally I am so so so so excited!Note those people in the corner of the picture doing the "O" with their arms.. yeah they look pretty cool. And the person doing a hand-stand! i wish i could be like him/her. And i will be! starting when i get there..which is Sunday!
And this ^^^^ is what I will be doing for the next week...well on Monday. Who knows if i will get in the ocean. Rumor is that Shark Week will be on the week after i leave! Yay! So there is a HUGE possibility that i will be going into the water.

My mommy got new books that I will probably read when i am sitting on the beach!
  • Charlie St.Cloud
  • The Lucky One
  • The Hunger Games

Hopefully one of these will be good! I'm so excited to see Charlie St.Cloud. I'll probably cry my eyes out!

Monday, July 19, 2010


well this baby's face tells you that clearly it is not happy and it will not take the wittle Binky. Obviously the little one is upset? but about what? dirty diper..hungry.. tired? we have no clue because they can't communicate just yet. My main point is that i've been feeling a little down in the dumps. sad more like it. why? i have no idea it's just one of those days. And to tell the truth, it's not all.

On a happier note! My family has recently purchased one of these babys. Thee Pop Corn Maker! It's like the movie theater has came to my house and won't ever leave! I have no need to go to the movies anymore and buy my own popcorn! It's the best thing in the world!..except i have no idea how to work it yet. Problem? yes i think so. I mean i guess i can read the instructions but they take too long and i think we threw them away. whoops!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just some questions

1. think of the last time you were REALLY angry?
Oh wow. I never really get angry. but i do get frustrated about stuff. i tend to keep them to myself.

2. you are at the Doctors office and she has just told you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/ everyone that you are going to die
b)what would you do with your remaining days
c) would you be scared?
A: i would tell people who meant the world to me, but I'm sure it would go around.
B: I'd go to the beach for the last time, spend as much time i can with my family. Hang out with my friends and do everything we could think of. make a bucket list and do as much of it as i possibly could.
C: would i be scared? i would be terrified! But I'd make the most out of it.Stay positive and smile

3. Think of the last person who you really knew that died. You have the chance to give them one hour of their life back, but you have to give them one year of your life. do you?
of course i would. he was thirteen when he died and was the sweetest cousin in the world. He would deserve it. and it would be only one year of my life..sure it would be one year i wouldn't ever get back but he's family.
4.Are you a heavy or light sleeper?
Heavy sleeper times 10! i can't even wake up to my alarm anymore.oops!
5. Do you talk to yourself?
i find myself muttering things to myself sometimes. when i drop things aka my phone, looking for stuff that i lost, or just walking by myself.
it's actually entertaining sometimes!

6. What is your motto for life?
things happen for reasons..sometimes you just have to let it go

7. Scariest prank someone pulled on you?
oh goodness. Mexico, spring break 2010. My dad has asthma and needed to go to a pharmacy to get an inhaler so i went with him. well, he got what he needed and we were driving back to the condos. He asked me to open it for him, so i did. when i handed it to him he put it up to his mouth, pushed the little button and gasped for air and pretended to have an asthma attack WHILE DRIVING! my heart literally stopped and i just started crying!
.then he started busting up laughing!...silly Dad.
PS this isn't the first time he pulled a prank on me

8. What do you want to do for your career?
i want to be a Physicians Assistant. or go into something helping kids with special needs

9.Scared to fall in love?
scared to have my heart broken? yes.

10.things that mean the most to you?
Religion/ testimony
School work
..basically everything

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The 2 men that will

NEVER disappoint me.

This summer i have been through two or more cans of this stuff. Probably not too good considering cheer starts back up soon. yikes let me down. I really don't know what i would do without my ice cream. Especially my Half baked. .

Dear Ben and Jerry..thanks for making such yummy ice cream.

p.s 8 days until California

Thursday, July 15, 2010


So I've been thinking..a lot about tons of things. Fears mostly. I was talking to a good friend last night about what would happen if one of my parents passed away? and honestly i don't know what i would do. I really think i would go into severe depression. I would stop talking to people and literally become anti-social because everything would remind me of either my mom or dad. I respect my parents so much and am a little teary eyed thinking about it.
(but on the bright side I'm going to the river tomorrow with my mom and sisters. so we have lots of time to talk about things) (:

Sharks//Going under waves at the beach..

If i came face to face with one of these things....i would freeze in fearEVERY week we go to California (July 25-August 1) It is always Shark Week on the Discovery Channel and i try so hard not to watch it but i always find myself glued to the TV watching shark attacks with my family. It's bad i know. and i don't think it helps with my little fear because i don't go very deep in the water...maybe to my stomach if I'm feeling brave. After watching the episodes i tend to stay on land in a chair watching the water for sharks and other strange objects that may appear out of no where. I guess you could say I'm a Little paranoid. My entire family makes fun of me for not going into the water to boogie board or just jump waves.

Which brings me to my next point going under the waves. I know what you're thinking wow Makayla seriously you're such a baby. But really what if the wave totally attacks you and you run out of air and can't come up?? I have thought about that multipul times and that is why i always hold one of my sisters hands when i go under waves. But they don't know the real reason why i do this. it's a comfort for me and i feel a little safer with them.

This one has gotten wayy better the past year but Looking straight into peoples eyes for a long time Don't ask me how or why i am scared to do this but it just freaks me out sometimes. Usually i make eye contact then look away at something else and then look back into their eyes look away.It's a difficult process sometimes. Buuuuttt when it is a serious conversation or if the person has the prettiest eyes i totally can! I don't know what's wrong with me?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Family Car Rides

Fourth of July my family sat on the top of our car and watched the fire works...for five minutes..they were bad. So we went home and played games and watched movies.

Now i know what you're all thinking. why do i have boxers on top of my head..well lately my family has been doing alot of fun things together. we went to dave and busters and played games for about two hours. we honestly had a blast. annnddddd now to the greatest part we won so many tickets that we got those boxters a huge bouncy ball annnnddddd a snow cone maker! litteraly the best day of my life! i was so excited to make a snow cone i full on ran into my house.

These boxers are inside my drawers right next to my american flag boxers.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Through the years

I was looking through family pictures throughout the years and i realized how much we've all changed


I have to admit my whole family has blossomed into pretty flowers. I'm excited to see what we all look like in family pictures later this year.

P.S. three more weeks...that's 21 days exactly!

Carlsbad second home

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Excited? i think so

so i gave up on the "letter challenge" i just didn't know how to write things to people.
but enough of that..i WILL be in california in 22 days! honestly i am so excited it's insane! i can't wait until i can just walk down some stairs and be at the beach. I can't wait to get ice cream every night with family. and this might sound weird but i'm excited to get sunburned? i never thought i'd say that.

Carlsbad California here i 22 days (: