Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Since Conference is coming up on Saturday and Sunday i decided to look up some quotes from our Prophet, Thomas S. Monson.
So here are some things that he has said that i want to share with everyone and write down some thoughts on what i think.

"Work will win when wishy washy wishing won't"
Thomas S. Monson

In my life i have sorta gave up on wishing something would happen to me. I've decided to take things into my own hands and just do it myself. it's really helped me become more independent and not depend on people as much as i used to. i learned it's better to disappoint yourself then it is to disappoint others. For example if you wish you would get an A on a test that is coming up and you don't study...it most likely won't happen whereas if you study and work towards that goal you will achieve it.

"Youth needs less critics and more models"
Thomas S. Monson

This one has gotten to me in the past week. I've noticed that us teenagers and probably young single adults get criticized for almost everything. For example i see adults telling other kids to be like this and be like that. almost saying they should be perfect and always do the right thing. Hello? News flash.. no one is perfect and no one will be perfect. yeah sure we can try our hardest to but i dont think anyone is capable of that. there was only one perfect person to walk to earth and that was Christ. But anyways the quote says the youth needs less critics and more Models. im not talking about the models on runways and in magazines but models as in people to look up to. like your mom, grandma, grandpa, dad, your best friend. there is always someone that everyone wants to be. such as the nice girl at school who always smiles and talks to people who are completely out of their group of friends.or the person that always has the perfect grades, or the person who looks like the have the most perfect life with everything they need.

"Don't forget: one of the saddest things in life is wasted talent"
Thomas S. Monson

This is short and simple don't ever hide your talents. if you are an amazing singer..sing to the world! (not literally) but if you are in seminary/ church/ or just in the car with friends sing your little heart out!
If you can dance. dance allllll the time. show people what you can do. i have always wished my mom put me in dance when i was little, but she didn't and now...well i can't really dance. but it's fine! i am obsessed with watching people dance. whether it is ballet, hip hop, jazz, or anything my eyes are totally glued from the time you start to the time you finish. i love watching people show their talents.
So basically never hide talents you have, you could change some one's life forever.

"The good you have done, the kind words you have spoken, the love you have shown to others, can never be fully measured."
Thomas S. Monson

i looooooove this one. there have been days in my life where i have just been flat out sad, mad, or just feeling down about everything and someone always knows how to make my day better. it usually is a smile and a quick hey, or a text. this morning actually i was having a horrible day, i didn't want to be at school, i didn't want to talk to anyone, i just wanted to go home into my room and just cry and cry. usually im not the person to start crying about things that bother me, but today was just horrible. i was walking to lunch today and i looked at my phone and i got a text from my friend that goes to a different school. and that text said " good morning Makayla, i hope you are having a good day." even though i really wasn't having a great day that text from that friend made me feel a hundred times better. To that person.. thank you. you honestly turned my day around and really made a difference. i encourage everyone if you have a person that comes into your mind randomly call them or find them at school and tell them to have a great day or a simple how are you. it really will make them feel a million times better

Monday, September 27, 2010

Homecoming 2010

was a blast! here are some pictures of the big day!

even though we didn't really match.. it was totally fine. i loved it

for our night activity we went to Jesterz! it was the funniest thing in the world! and if i could figure out how to upload videos on this thing i would show you how much they made fun of us. it was hilarious! i loved every second of it!

Half of the group!

ps sorry this is a short post with not a ton of detail but it's late and past my bed time!

ill blog again tomorrow! pinky promise!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cabin 2010

My family decided to go up to my cabin a few weekends ago, and my dad had the idea to go to a small lake and go canoeing with all my cousins. Isn't the view pretty? Haleigh and i had fun standing on ledges and taking pictures of us "being on top of the world"

Sounds like a perfect day right? it was. the sun was out and it was perfect weather. i thought i was going to get a little tan. Wrong! i was so so so wrong. After we got all our boats into the water and paddled down the lake, a huge dark cloud appeared out of no where! and then it started to not only rain, but completely pour. it was like having buckets of water thrown on you. im almost positive the temperature dropped to at least sixty. but anyways it was pouring rain, the wind was blowing, and then it started to HAIL! Come on people picture that! wind, hail, rain plus being in a canoe. it's not a very fun thing to do. My family was hiding under a huge rock and attempted not to get rained on. sadly, it did not work. so there we were, in the rain stuck there until it stopped after thirty or more minutes. For those of you who know me, i hate being cold, i honestly would rather be burning hot any day. So i was miserable and in a pretty bad mood.
then when i thought it was only going to get worse...the sun came out! yay! so haleigh and i went out into the sun and pretended to be those people in Italy who sing to cute couples in a boat!

WAIT..SIKE the rain came back...and once again Makayla was cold and had permanent goose bumps that were turning purple.Not only was it cold and i was an ice cube stranded on the side of the bank, but earlier that week i had glass taken out of my foot and i was hopping around in mud on my good leg. I'll let you picture what happened next. Not fun. Oh ps what is up with my family taking pictures of me when i fall asleep?

Oh and i found all these bikers at a gas station and i thought they were a little hardcore?

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Day Activity!

Okay so this post will probably be the LONGEST thing i have ever written because there are about a million pictures and stories that have to be told. I went on my day activity with Matthew Willett! This kid is honestly the funniest person i have ever met! We went to Schnepf Farms! and literally had the place all to ourselves! it was so much fun! we played on roller coasters, spinning swings and bumble bee rides that were broken, played with animals, and last but not least the air soft war! This huge thing happens to be what i shot people with.. automatic and let me tell you.. it was killer to get shot. i would know.
Matt and i decided to wear camo so we could attempt to blend in with our surroundings, but it really didn't work out so well

Chicken with red eyes. scariest thing i have ever seen. i thought it was going to peck my eyes out when i was holding it.

We were all a little scared to hold it. but listen to this. the kid that was watching us and turning on all the rides was chasing this little thing around and finally we helped catch it and when we did he held it for about two seconds and then let it go? okay so we spend five minutes to catch the thing and once we do he lets it go? i don't know about you but i was confused a little bit.

Oh my. the goats. usually i wouldn't pick one up but it was just too cute that i had to! and it looks like it's biting me but i promise it's really not. another story! so when i walk into the little cage thing i make eye contact with a big brown goat that was seriously huge. not gonna lie it's eyes scared me just a lot! okay so i was keeping my eye on it just in case something happened. you know standing my ground preparing for battle? i honestly watch the thing for about five minutes when I'm walking around and literally the second i take my eye off it... it jumps on me! and rams me up against a fence! what the!? evil goat attacking me! i booked it out of the cage so fast.the end

Turkeys have got to be the ugliest bird i have ever seen. and this thing was HUGE!
gobble gobble!

Here is the group! they are so much fun!

This is Dallin. We had the same guns only mine was a bit bigger. or so it looks. i have no idea. but anyways we made a pact not to shoot each other...sike that didn't work out so well. as soon as we get out into the trees where we went to war he runs off leaving me by myself. so not wanting to get hit i hide behind a tree with a bush right next to me. I'm on my knees and decide to look out of my hiding place and right when i put my face out....BOOOM BOOOOM BOOOOM. i get hit right in the middle of my forehead! what the!? and turns out it was Dallin the kid who was not supposed to hit me.

we blend into the tree's huh? out camouflage worked out so well i know! hahaha

After we finished with all the activities we went and had dinner in the little restaurant that is on the farm. it was delish! Then we went to Matt's and went swimming and ate ice cream! it was so so so much fun!
Thanks Matt Willett for making my day activity so much fun! i cant wait until the actual dance!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Where have i been?

Obviously passing out every day of my life because of school. I really fall asleep almost every day after school. Just like the picture below. Apparently my mother and sisters like to take pictures of me sleeping because i found at least seven pictures just like this one. Thanks Mom love you too.

School is slowly getting stressful. This isn't particularly good because when I'm stressed..my hair falls out. Not one by one, but in chunks. Here is what happens at lunch. i talk to people who are at least half my size. I have to look straight up and he basically has to look all the way down just so we can hear each other. Pretty exciting huh! Camyn and Mitch are pretty cool kids, professionals at basketball? i think so. Go toros.

He has to bend down to be in the picture. So sad... on my part though. i think i need to grow a little bit.

I know what you are thinking. What is that little thing on my hand. That my friends is a baby snake. What am i doing holding a snake? i honestly have no idea because i hate snakes and bugs but this little thing was too cute and i didn't think it's mouth was big enough to bite me. Well that's what the teacher told me anyways. He had a million of snakes , some were little and the others were huge! AND! He fed them when we were in taking s.i.p.'s!!! what the!? so scary!
I was standing not on the chair, but ON TOP of the desk clinging to my binder slash bag for dear life. and even though i knew that the snake was going to attack the rat i still jumped when it did! But it was actually really cool to see, but sad at the same time. Oh well. a snake has to eat!

First Toro football game tonight! gotta represent my blue and red! I LOVE FOOTBALL GAMES!
Oh! and another thing i have a huge story about what went down labor day weekend. that will take up a whole entire post
AND i have my day activity tomorrow afternoon! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


ELDER ROSS POKERE. i will miss not talking for the next two years on skype. But i know that you are doing an amazing thing by going on a mission. Australia is so lucky to have you, and i know you will change their lives while you are with them.
Here are a few things i will never forget about Rossy;

"stop causing dramas Jordan"
His attempted "front flip" at jump street
"are we going to have a feed at nana's and grandads mum?"
" i will FULLY smash you Makayla"
His laugh
His dance moves
Walking out of seminary and finding him dead asleep in the grass
what he wrote in my year book.
The funny faces we would both make on skype.
"that was mean as Makayla!"
the way he would spell things horribly
"heaps ae"
" you like lollies?"
how i ditched an entire day of school to hang out with you
when he would tell me all the "dramas" going over in NZ
The list could seriously go on and on!

See you in two years when you come back.. I'll be sure to send you lollies and letters!
Miss you heaps already
September 1, 2012 = Coming home
Love you forever