Monday, August 2, 2010

Rewind..on the past week

Haas it really been a week already? time does fly when you're having fun. I have had some pretty exciting adventures this past week and tried to take as many pictures as possible... but managed to loose my camera for two of the days. it was depressing but i finally found it and took it EVERWHERE..and still forgot to take pictures of everything but here are some that i did take with everyoneUp there are some friends that i made last year plus with the addition of my little sister and cousin. Ryan,Kevin, me, Laycee and Jordan. i spent most of my time with laycee and her cousins. they were a blast and i don't know what i would've done without them there.

On our "last day" my parents invited the Wagner family to come stay and play with my family at the beach. and i found out that Trevor can do the splits!...not just the left leg splits but the middle splits too! Can you say crazy?

Cooper, Jared tied their shirts around their heads and pretended to act very strange to some kids that came up to us. (if i could figure out how to upload videos on this thing i would give examples of what they were doing.) and Trevor " the neighbor" started choking on a peanut because he was laughing so hard. it was honestly the funniest thing in the world
The Wagner's...well Mark all taught us a game where we waited for a wave to break and then we would all run and try to jump over it..or have it flip us. it's hard to explain but it was so much fun and super cold

Army and Navy Academy. oh my goodness. i don't think i have ever seen that many boys..cute boys in my life. literally i would look to my left, hot boy. look to my right, hot boy! and then i would look behind me...guess what i saw? a hot boy! this place was/ is full of them!

Bret likes to do the bunny ears when ever he takes pictures with people. He thinks it is hilarious. He's getting so big! almost ten years old!

This tree is seriously the prettiest thing in the world. i look at it all the time when i walk by it. The flowers grow upside down!

If you ever are looking for a good yogurt place in Carlsbad..i highly recommend this place. Swirlicious! it was like a yogurtland..but in California and had the best flavors! pretty sure i went there just about every night

and these flowers! i don't really know what they are called but i do know that they start with an M! M for Makayla! hahaha yay. just kidding but they really smelled so yummy and i wanted to take it home with me.

Grandma and Grandpa Clouse are the sweetest and most loving grandparents you will ever meet. seriously. they always ask if you need help with anything even if they are in the middle of something. This picture was on the pier where we went to dinner. Bubba picked the place because he likes to watch people catch fish there. the picture up top was our "cute" picture and this one vvvvvvvvv was supposed to be our funny picture but i don't think they look funny at all. especially grandma! she looks like a always. i love them a lot though and i am so grateful that they came to California this year. I don't play with my food i swear..well maybe sometimes but doesn't it look like a clown!? like from the movie Toy Story 3! look real hard and maybe you'll see it. and if you don't i guess my imagination is a little childish for a sixteen year old

Laycee is the best! (: favorite and nicest person out there! and now i have to wait an entire year until i can see her again!...well in person. there is always skype!

Oh and another thing before i get off for the night! Today was my first day of cheer camp and i think i am going to die. i hurt so bad and have taken so many Advil's today! but i did have a deep tissue massage by Deborah! and she works magic! i was listening to her stories and she and her family have been through so much but yet she still stays so positive and strong! she says everything happens for a reason. and told me that pain is an enemy and it is only there to tell me something is wrong. and when i think about it, the more i think its true. Pain is not my friend and i don't like when it comes to visit me. But anyways that's just a little side story she was telling me what i should do to make my back get better and i have to sleep on heating pads and she highly recommended me taking fish oil pills every night. Fish oil?? uhh i don't even like fish. but i am willing to try it because she obviously knows what she's talking about.

sweetest lady ever seriously. but before she left she was talking to me about Thermacare Heat Wraps and said that they work with her and her back problems ( she's been in some major car accidents) i was telling her that i would go buy some right away. Well she left and i thanked her for everything she had done for me. no joke ten minutes later she was back at my door and handed me the heat packs and told me that she knows that my back will get better because she said before she goes to people's houses to give them a massage she prays and asks for inspiration that she will be able to help the person, in this case it was me. (for those of you who don't know my back is very verry bad i had an accident in tumbling three years ago and it still bothers me to sit in places for long periods of time)

it's the little acts of service that make huge impacts on peoples lives. Deborah inspired me to do little things for people.. it doesn't even have to be huge just a smile or a heat pad!

sorry for going off it just really made me think about what i do for people

Goodnight blog i'll write in you soon! and sorry again for leaving you for a week!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog!! It is just soo cute and your soo sweet.. You didn't have to put im the best your the best and super nice(: and What happened to your back?? Im sorry that sucks why are you still in cheer if it's messed up? What if you do something else to mess it up even more that wouldn't be good at all!!!!
