Thursday, July 15, 2010


So I've been thinking..a lot about tons of things. Fears mostly. I was talking to a good friend last night about what would happen if one of my parents passed away? and honestly i don't know what i would do. I really think i would go into severe depression. I would stop talking to people and literally become anti-social because everything would remind me of either my mom or dad. I respect my parents so much and am a little teary eyed thinking about it.
(but on the bright side I'm going to the river tomorrow with my mom and sisters. so we have lots of time to talk about things) (:

Sharks//Going under waves at the beach..

If i came face to face with one of these things....i would freeze in fearEVERY week we go to California (July 25-August 1) It is always Shark Week on the Discovery Channel and i try so hard not to watch it but i always find myself glued to the TV watching shark attacks with my family. It's bad i know. and i don't think it helps with my little fear because i don't go very deep in the water...maybe to my stomach if I'm feeling brave. After watching the episodes i tend to stay on land in a chair watching the water for sharks and other strange objects that may appear out of no where. I guess you could say I'm a Little paranoid. My entire family makes fun of me for not going into the water to boogie board or just jump waves.

Which brings me to my next point going under the waves. I know what you're thinking wow Makayla seriously you're such a baby. But really what if the wave totally attacks you and you run out of air and can't come up?? I have thought about that multipul times and that is why i always hold one of my sisters hands when i go under waves. But they don't know the real reason why i do this. it's a comfort for me and i feel a little safer with them.

This one has gotten wayy better the past year but Looking straight into peoples eyes for a long time Don't ask me how or why i am scared to do this but it just freaks me out sometimes. Usually i make eye contact then look away at something else and then look back into their eyes look away.It's a difficult process sometimes. Buuuuttt when it is a serious conversation or if the person has the prettiest eyes i totally can! I don't know what's wrong with me?

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