Sunday, March 13, 2011

Oh goodness

it's been so long since i last wrote. whoops. it's not like anyone reads this other than my mom. but for reals let me update you on what's been going on in my life.
On Friday during first hour my phone got stolen in a two minute time frame. let me explain. my first hour is weight training so i bring by cheer bag with all my clothes inside it. well i also bring my school bag...with my binders and my phone. well i was taking my cheer bag back to my locker and left my bag with my phone in the zipper pocket and my binder sitting right next to it. by the time i got back to my bag and binder that was sitting by the little lockers ( i have a bigger locker since i do cheer) i went to check my phone because i was texting my mom. and it my phone was gone! in a period of two minutes my phone was taken out of my bag and into the hands of a thief. i was literally so mad. this is the third time something of mine has been stolen (white vans and all of my makeup) I really don't understand how people can just take something that isn't theirs so fast and think it's okay. really its not.and i will find the person who took my phone just wait.
but anyways on a brighter note on Friday night i went to the Ostrich Festival! random i know! but seriously it was one of the greatest nights I've had in a while. it definitely took my mind off my phone. i went with my friends Natalie.Morgan, Kara. and Tanner! and to be honest i was a little paranoid to be going to a fair with millions of people less. i was scared that i was going to get stolen or lost or something.
OH and also this fair was supposed to be an Ostrich Festival and there were 2 Ostriches...what? confused? me too!Natalie and I were daredevils and went on one of the rides.
The fair had a petting zoo! but i didn't touch any of the animals.

And now for my favorite part! at the fair there was a band playing. The Ready Set and guess what i love them now! and while i was standing in the crowd one of the guitar players threw his guitar pick at me! greatest.night.ever.
i love my life.
one more thing i was supposed to go on a date Saturday night with one of my friends but since i didn't have my phone i couldn't get ahold of him and ended missing the date. i was really sad. but i spent the night watching movies with my family. i love them.
Spring break officially starts tomorrow! my family and i will be going to Carlsbad on Wednesday! hopefully my new phone will be here tomorrow after i go to the chiropractor!
have a happy day everyone!