Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dear everyone

i would like to inform you all that this "little" owwie is officially gone out of my foot!
No more waking up in the middle of the night because of it throbbing, or getting out of bed and not being able to walk on it, or walking funny slash limping to all of my classes!
I can finally walk on all of my foot without pain! i don't think anyone understands how happy this makes me! i realized how much i take little things for granted. i really don't know what i would do without my feet. anyways here is what was on my foot before i had it treated.
it doesn't really look bad in this picture because all the skin is covering it all up. but wait, if you saw what was under all that skin i bet you would throw up, like i almost did. i really couldn't look at it when it was cut open.
So in the process i went to my family Doctor to see if she would get it out. sadly she said it was out of her hands and didn't want to cut into any of the nerves in my foot so she had me go to a foot specialist. hardcore huh? and he starts cutting away the top layer of skin to see what is going on in my little foot. and then he comes in with this beetle juice! he said it was from south America and it was going to blister up the bottom of my foot and hopefully kill the cute thing on my foot. well here's the thing...he didn't put enough juice on the first time because nothing happened at all. so i go in again thinking that it won't hurt that bad because i was fine the time before. w.o.w. i was wrong. two hours after i left his office and when back to school my foot hurt so bad i literally could not walk. and so naturally i looked at in my 6th hour. bad idea. i pulled the bandage down and find a huge blue/gray blister with yellowish skin on the top ( from the acid) so i go back to the office basically shaking because i knew he was going to have to cut the huge blister off of my foot in order for the process to keep moving. well. he cut it open alright, and removed the blister...without numbing my foot. now if anyone knows me i hate sharp objects cutting away at my skin. good thing there was no blood or else i would've started to cry....wait... i already did. but only little tears running down my face. i was in pain. and then after my doctor was finished he looked at me and said " you look like you need an ice cream cone.."
actually doctor that was the best idea that you've ever given me. except i got jamba juice instead.
This picture was taken today (December 23rd) it's been healing and looks mighty pretty. Keep in mind he took out the blister last Thursday (December 16th) so if you count the's been a week since it all happened. all the skin in the middle was a bright red. it was yucky. but i am so happy that everything is finally out of my foot and i can walk normal again.

I love my life.
Sincerely, Me

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All i want for christmas

Is THIS beauty right here. it would be the best present in the entire world! and i think it's the perfect size for me!

Friday, December 10, 2010

why are girls asking to Sadie's so early? the dance isn't until like March or the end of April? and it's in the middle of December? talk about insane.

I'm seriously so so so stressed with finals coming up next week. i honestly think i am going to go crazy soon. oh and also why do we have counselors in school if they don't even try to help when you go in crying because you don't understand what the teacher is teaching or what is even going on during class? please someone answer that question because pretty sure they are there to help you?? does my counselor not even want me to go to college because that's what it seems like right now. and another thing why is it so hard to switch into a different teacher? why do i have to go to the counselor, assistant principle, have a meeting with the assistant principal and myself, then have another meeting with the vice principal.principal, teacher, myself and my parents....just to switch to another teacher!

can i just tell you how my meeting with the assistant principal went? literally it was three to five minutes long. and then she tells me that it looks like I'm doing okay right now...wait hold up last time i checked a (insert grade) doesn't get me into college? and i told her that. and she comes back and says that i don't need to worry about that right now? LADY WHY DOES EVERYONE TELL ME TO ALWAYS HAVE GOOD GRADES SO I CAN GET INTO A GOOD SCHOOL THEN!?!? (sorry I'm just a little frustrated) and now you tell me that i "don't need to worry about that right now?" sorry.last time i checked I'll be a senior next year. so i have the right to worry about it right now. five minutes later..what did we get done?...nothing..nada..a big frustrated Makayla. she kicked me out of her office. apparently there are more important things in the world.

Sorry this was more of a post to let out everything in my head. won't happen again hopefully!
On a happy note here is a cute little quote..."life is full of beauty.Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams."- Ashley Smith

Well that's all. Happy Friday everyone!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Winter Formal 2010

Get ready for a million of pictures These two pictures have to be my favorite of the night. I love Ally Taylor/ my brain and Jake Larson!

My little cheer girls looked gorgeous (:

More cheer girls..they are just so cute.

Thee Jessica Curtis

Jace Hiatt everyone! he's the greatest

Emmy Wright! Ah i love her with all my a dress (inside joke)

Ashley Anne Lake. the girl who i can always always count on. The girl who i can talk to for hours and she will just sit there and listen to me talk about the things that are bothering me. i honestly don't know what i would do without her.
a piece of our friend ship
"Squish, us ninjas have to stick together. ps i don't care of you eat doug just take her and eat the crap out of her., oh you can borrow my glass jet.Dangittt it's here in Idaho but it has a scratch the size of a pumpkin on the left door handle. well i need a friend so i say sprout wings and fly here, the weather is pretty nice i would say.psss there is a buttload of lucky charms (more magic mini charms) with your name on it on the counter top right in front of my face. so please i bet of you!! love you 27.3 tons!"
"Ahh pickles, mustard. pickles pickles PICKLES!hhhhhhaaaaaaaachooooo! Boo! stand on your head for exactly 1 minute and 25.7 seconds and drink tiny sips of water 7.356 seconds."
the friend says gibberish to me but i understand every single word of it.
i love you fash. spashley. fishy!

The group! 36 plus

Paige Tingey. we love seminary together

Jacob Taylor Packer. the date.

Mom helped me get ready. love her

Daddy's little girl forever and ever.

Friday, December 3, 2010


I wish i could own this house and just stay there forever. the slide is uh-maz-ing X987654!!
i wish i owned this store with my sister. Haleigh and Makayla....sounds like a perfect match to me. one day this will happen.

I wish i looked at life like this. high school is stressing me out, i wish i could skip school and get married already.

I wish i could actually make my hair look cute like this

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Big Sister

Yesterday was my big sister's 18th birthday! Happy Birthday Haleigh
she's officially an adult...big dog now.
i love her just a lot
On November 22nd it was my mothers birthday. Happy Late birthday mom
then there was thanksgiving..yum. i ate just everything possible. it was crazy.

i love my daddy. he's really funny.

&& sometimes we are a little awkward when we take pictures. ( we get nervous)

Oh also i grateful for
the friends i have
my amazing family
Not getting in car crashes..
advil ( i use these babies everyday)
my church
this blog
flavor blasted goldfish
Algebra two for dummies

Monday, November 15, 2010

Winter Formal

Saturday i went on my day activity for Winter! it was so so so much fun! We had our very own rodeo with chickens, goats, more goats, egg tosses, yummy food and a hay ride!
as you can see from the picture below.. i got a little dirty from wrestling goats to get a pair of underwear on it. poor thing probably was embarrasses and squished from Jake and I trying to get it to the ground.This is Kyle Clifford!..My friend Kelsey Allens date! He was good at tackling the goat and getting chickens

The Jake Packer/ my winter date! / my best friend/ broken knee boy. poor kid couldn't run when we were chasing chickens so we lost.. it's okay though i still love him!

This is what happens when a goat...with horns i might add kicks the cup i was holding that was almost all the way full of milk. It was warm and didn't feel to nice on my legs if you know what i mean

P.S If i knew how to put vidoes on here i would show you how putting the underwear on the goat went

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Friday night laughs

Friday night started off as a normal Friday. I went to my friends house, we went to another friends house played just dance in the back yard, and took a bucket of gum from the house when we left. So as we were leaving and going back to Matt's house, we were driving around the neighborhood and all of the sudden one of these beauties ran across the street.... the first instinct that came into my head was that it was going to spray us if we got too close so we should just let it be right? wrong. Matt, Kurt, Dallin and Carlos apparently thought it would be funny to chase it down a couple streets. So here we are, a group of sixteen year olds following a skunk in two cars! crazy right? everyone was yelling and laughing so hard at the little guy. it was so so sad but at the same time it was hilarious. Finally they cornered it into a wall where it couldn't get out. and you want to know what it did?
It didn't spray thankfully, but it did RAN after them at full speed!
Picture this three boys getting chased by a skunk and the boys are full on screaming and booking it to the cars. i was basically laughing so hard that i couldn't breathe. totally the high light of my night.

Now onto Saturday. I had the oppertunity to go on a date with one of my good friends Kurt Carter! it was so much fun! We went to Freestone park and fed ducks..with six pieces of bread. (Matt didn't want to kill the ducks be feeding them too much) So while we were feeding them Matt put an electronic boat into the water and made it come up behind the ducks. (the feeding part was the destraction) and when the boat came up behind the ducks they went crazy and flew away! it was great! then we made pizzas at Matts and watched a movie. it was really fun.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

For when times are tough..

There is always something you can do...Smile
"If you smile at someone, they might smile back"
"Every day you spend without a smile, is a lost day"
most smiles are started by another smile....
And when times get can always fit in a box

I can not tell you hard my day was yesterday. and everywhere i turned there was a friend with a smile. My friends are amazing and i can"t explain how much they help me with everything!
Saturday night = Date with one of my very best friends Kurt Carter! I'm so excited to go feed some ducks and make pizza!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Here are some pictures of my" Halloween" that was on saturday night.
I was basically all around mesa last night and it was a blast!

Kelsey. Morgan. Stevie and I all wore the same outfits and called ourself babies/ people who just got out of bed.

I love the temple!

P.S you can easily change your day around by doing service for other people
this is what i learned today.
Happy Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm back

to the blogging world. it's been forever and i have lots of stuff to tell.
For October break my family and i went down to Rocky Point, Mexico for an entire WEEK. it was so so much fun.

This boy was the cutest kid in the entire world. I met him at El Pollo Lucas and he was selling bracelets

Isn't his smile just the cutest? i think i melted when i saw him

I was down there with my friend Kelsey and her family! apparently we have lots of awkward moments...just like in the picture

On sunday we went to church. it was very interesting because i couldn't understand a word anyone said because it was all in Spanish! On monday we ended up going to a service project that included buckets, dirt, more dirt, and plants. we basically made gardens in a bucket because the sand that they have at their houses doesn't hold water so they can't plant anything .

The houses that we took them to were on the side of a rail road track. and the houses were made out of pieces of wood. It really made me realize everything that i have back at home and that i should be greatful that i have such a wonderful home.Poor Puppies, they were honestly everywhere i looked. they were just so sweet and wanted attention from everyone. it's eyes are what gets to me though, he/she just wants a home.

Every morning at 8 everyone went to the Tortilla Man with cokes. I think my family has a five year supply of tortillas now. if anyone wants some...let me know because they are just amazing.
I've been back in school for two days now and i'm already stressing out. Biotechnology is just confusing me and i feel like i don't know what is going on. at.all