No more waking up in the middle of the night because of it throbbing, or getting out of bed and not being able to walk on it, or walking funny slash limping to all of my classes!
I can finally walk on all of my foot without pain! i don't think anyone understands how happy this makes me! i realized how much i take little things for granted. i really don't know what i would do without my feet. anyways here is what was on my foot before i had it treated.
it doesn't really look bad in this picture because all the skin is covering it all up. but wait, if you saw what was under all that skin i bet you would throw up, like i almost did. i really couldn't look at it when it was cut open.
So in the process i went to my family Doctor to see if she would get it out. sadly she said it was out of her hands and didn't want to cut into any of the nerves in my foot so she had me go to a foot specialist. hardcore huh? and he starts cutting away the top layer of skin to see what is going on in my little foot. and then he comes in with this beetle juice! he said it was from south America and it was going to blister up the bottom of my foot and hopefully kill the cute thing on my foot. well here's the thing...he didn't put enough juice on the first time because nothing happened at all. so i go in again thinking that it won't hurt that bad because i was fine the time before. w.o.w. i was wrong. two hours after i left his office and when back to school my foot hurt so bad i literally could not walk. and so naturally i looked at in my 6th hour. bad idea. i pulled the bandage down and find a huge blue/gray blister with yellowish skin on the top ( from the acid) so i go back to the office basically shaking because i knew he was going to have to cut the huge blister off of my foot in order for the process to keep moving. well. he cut it open alright, and removed the blister...without numbing my foot. now if anyone knows me i hate sharp objects cutting away at my skin. good thing there was no blood or else i would've started to cry....wait... i already did. but only little tears running down my face. i was in pain. and then after my doctor was finished he looked at me and said " you look like you need an ice cream cone.."
actually doctor that was the best idea that you've ever given me. except i got jamba juice instead.
This picture was taken today (December 23rd) it's been healing and looks mighty pretty. Keep in mind he took out the blister last Thursday (December 16th) so if you count the's been a week since it all happened. all the skin in the middle was a bright red. it was yucky. but i am so happy that everything is finally out of my foot and i can walk normal again.
I love my life.
Sincerely, Me